Sending Reputation

Sending reputation is a measure of the quality of an email sender's practices. It is based on a variety of factors, including the number of bounces, spam complaints, and unsubscribes that an email sender has received. A high sending reputation can improve the deliverability of emails, while a low sending reputation can decrease deliverability.

Email providers use sending reputation to determine whether or not to deliver emails to a recipient's inbox. If an email sender has a high sending reputation, their emails are more likely to be delivered to the recipient's inbox. If an email sender has a low sending reputation, their emails may be flagged as spam or delivered to the recipient's spam folder.

There are a number of things that can negatively impact an email sender's reputation, including:

  • Sending a high volume of bounced or undeliverable emails

  • Having a high number of spam complaints

  • Sending emails to unengaged recipients or recipients who have not given permission to receive emails

  • Using deceptive subject lines or header information

To improve your sending reputation, it is important to follow best practices when sending email. This includes obtaining permission from recipients before sending them emails, using a double opt-in process for subscription emails, maintaining a clean email list, and following the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States.

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